E X E C U T I V E D I R E C T O R ’ S M E S S A G E J o h n F . K y n e s – H i l l s b o r o u g h C o u n t y B a r A s s o c i a t i o n
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Regarding gender representation in the law , Smith noted that women now constitute 39 % of the legal workforce , which is a 5 % increase over the past decade .
Additionally , Smith said that while law schools have seen a surge in female applicants — with women now comprising 56 % of the student population — a wide gap remains in the number of women holding senior law firm positions .
A chapter on demographics said that there are now more than 1.3 million lawyers in the U . S ., which is a 5 % increase from 2013 to 2023 .
Over the past decade , Florida ’ s lawyer population was the fastest growing in the nation , with the number of active lawyers increasing 24 %, followed by North Carolina at 20 %, and Texas and Georgia both at 17 %.
According to the report , Florida has 84,594 active lawyers , which makes it the state with the fourth largest lawyer population overall , behind New York ( 188,341 ), California ( 170,959 ) and Texas ( 96,827 ), respectively .
The report also devotes a full chapter to lawyer well-being . Disturbingly , it states that lawyers are twice as likely as non-lawyers to think about suicide . Other highlights from the ABA report :
• In the past five years , the wages for the average lawyer in the U . S . rose 15.4 % — from $ 141,890 in 2017 to $ 163,770 in 2022 .
• Lawyers , on average , are older than the general working population .
• Roughly 1 in 12 lawyers said they have a “ virtual law practice .”
• Nearly 9 out of 10 lawyers ( 89 %) said their firms use social media networks , such as LinkedIn .
• To protect themselves from computer security breaches , nearly half of all attorneys ( 46 %) said their firms have cyber liability insurance , which is up significantly from 34 % in 2018 .
• Law schools reported that 38,020 students began JD studies in 2022 , a drop of 11 % from the previous year .
• Unemployment among new law school graduates remained at the lowest level in at least a decade in 2022 , at about 5 %.
• The number of new law graduates joining law firms right after graduation is higher than ever , at about 50 %. The rest got jobs in government , courts , business , public interest , and other settings . The full American Bar Association report can be found at www . abalegalprofile . com . n
10 States with the most lawyers 2023
New York 188,341
California 170,959
Texas 96,827
Florida 84,594
Pennsylvania 48,174
Massachusetts 42,635
New Jersey 40,078
Ohio 37,717
Michigan 34,577
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