HCBA Lawyer Magazine No. 34, Issue 3 | Page 11

Y L D P R E S I D E N T ’ S M E S S A G E S e a n P . B e v i l – S h u m a k e r , L o o p & K e n d r i c k , L L P continuedfrompage8
in a lawyer ’ s first years of practice , they will be exposed to a number of new experiences that will set the momentum and direction of their career , like representing their first client , arguing their first case , or drafting their first major work product . Young lawyers will develop a critical understanding of the practice of law , and also experience a tremendous level of growth . Many , like myself , will even travel to a new city to start their first legal job and will be faced with building a new professional network . In a lawyer ’ s first years in practice , they may also have the opportunity to forge important connections and to develop mentor relationships with seasoned attorneys in the community . Undeniably , a lawyer ’ s beginnings are a vital stage in their long-term career .
The new year will undoubtedly bring new challenges and new opportunities for growth amongst our established young lawyers . It will also bring a completely new experience to all of our new , young lawyers . In February , hundreds will take the bar exam here in Tampa , and the HCBA YLD will soon welcome a new class of young lawyers . Those young lawyers will then begin their journey building a network and advancing their career ... and so the cycle continues to refresh the YLD ’ s ranks with bright minds and up-and-coming lawyers .
To answer the needs of our members , the YLD seeks to remain in step with our newest members . In January , the YLD hosts its annual Coffee at the Courthouse & Judicial Shadowing Program with other voluntary bar associations , to better acquaint our members with the judiciary and provide a valuable opportunity for networking with our local judges . In March , in conjunction with Law Week , the YLD will be visiting a number of local schools to conduct mock trials and speak about the profession of law . We also look forward to hosting additional events aimed at providing educational CLEs and learning opportunities for our members .
As we sail into 2024 , the dawn of another new year reminds us of the importance of beginnings and of beginning a legal career , and that we should always strive to keep in perspective the needs of Hillsborough ’ s young and new lawyers . n
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