Y L D P R E S I D E N T ’ S M E S S A G E
S e a n P . B e v i l – S h u m a k e r , L o o p & K e n d r i c k , L L P
toanswertheneedsofourmembers , theYLDseekstoremain instepwithournewestmembers .
2024 is here , bringing with it our New Year ’ s resolutions , goals for the future , and commitments to growth . As we begin a new calendar year , I am reminded that we must never discount our beginnings , especially the beginning of a legal career . The YLD is unique in that it has a constantly changing membership and is comprised of those lawyers under the age of 36 or in their first five years of practice . Like a revolving door , the YLD is constantly seeing members “ age out ,” as it also welcomes new members and new lawyers to its member base .
Because of its cyclical membership , the YLD is always in a state of experiencing new beginnings and growth . For instance ,
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