HCBA Lawyer magazine No. 33, Issue 6 | Page 52

whataYEarforgovErnmEntlawYErssECtion ! government lawyers Section Chairs : ­Alexa­Cline­ – State­Attorney ’ s­Office , ­Christian­Katchuk­ – 13th­Judicial­Circuit­Court­ & ­Judge­Marc­Makholm­ – 13th­Judicial­Circuit­Court
ifyou ’ reagovernmentlawyeror friendofthegovernmentsector , weencourageyoutojoinusnextyear !

It is hard to believe that year three of the Government Lawyers Section ( GLS ) is coming to a close . With two new co-chairs this year , we could not be happier with how this year has gone . Instead of our recurring “ day in the life ” series featuring various government lawyer roles ( with a special thanks to Beth Le for handling this all year for us !), we share a recap of everything GLS has done this past year and look ahead at what the future holds for the Section .

We kicked off our year co-hosting a CLE with the Criminal Law Section on body cams and had a fantastic panel that included attorneys , a judge , and a representative from
the Hillsborough County Sheriff ’ s Office . After our panelists answered some moderated questions , we opened the floor up for a lively discussion on a number of issues related to body cams . The large variety of attendees — from criminal lawyers to city attorneys — demonstrates the wide application of this topic !
Turning to the holiday season , we co-hosted the second annual “ Coffee for a Cause ” event with the HCBA Young Lawyers Division . The Buddy Brew coffee truck drew a crowd of over seventy members and judges . To honor the season of giving , we encouraged folks to bring a food donation , which was provided to the St . Vincent de Paul Cares .
What ’ s more , November 17 , 2022 , was recognized this year by the City of Tampa as “ Government Lawyers Day .” We were honored to accept the proclamation on behalf of and in honor of all government lawyers in our community .
Shortly thereafter , we held the first annual “ Great Government Give ” event ( planned by our very own Matt Parrish !) where our members volunteered at Feeding Tampa Bay in advance of their busiest season of the year . Participants — which included some of our Thirteenth Circuit judges and their children ! — helped sort non-perishable items so that
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