HCBA Lawyer magazine No. 33, Issue 6 | Page 51

Environmental & Land Use Conference theEnvironmentalandlandusesectionpresenteditsfifthannualEnvironmentalandlanduselaw Conferenceonapril27atthefergusonlawCenter . theconferencefeaturedawelcomebyformergovernorrobert “ bob ” martinez , hollandandknight , llC ; keynotepresentationbyJudgedarrenfarfanteonprofessionalismandethics ; aspecialpresentationby hillsboroughCountyClerkoftheCourt & ComptrollerCindystuart ; anagenciesupdate ; aprivatesector panel ; localjudiciarypanel ; localgovernmentspanel ; andareceptionattheendoftheday , wherethe speakersandattendeesmingled . thankyoutoallofourpanelistsandspeakersfortheirparticipation .
Also thank you to our event sponsors : SurvTech Solutions and the Florida Bar Administrative Law Section .
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