HCBA Lawyer magazine No. 33, Issue 6 | Page 12

Y L D P R E S I D E N T ’ S M E S S A G E L y n d s e y E . S i a r a – 6 t h J u d i c i a l C i r c u i t C o u r t


“ intheend , allthatwillremainarethethingsthatyoureallytreasure .” — mariekondo
As my tenure as YLD President has drawn to a close , I reflect on another year of joy with the YLD . For me , this year was the culmination of eight years of involvement in the YLD with the last six years on the Board . What a joy this time serving the YLD and its members has been . Thank you for this incredible opportunity .
Reflection reminds me of all the fun we have had and accomplishments we have achieved together — a beach cleanup with popsicles ; a Rowdies game ; a sold-out Golf Tournament ; a reimagined Pro Bono Luncheon ; Coffee for a Cause ; Puppies & Prosecco ; a charcuterie
Spring Happy Hour lesson ; Coffee at the Courthouse ; kayaking ; a CLE on publishing ; happy hours ; Law Week ; “ Best Booth ” at the Judicial Food Festival ; Bylaws updates ; co-producing the Bridging the DEI Gap in Law documentary ; the Judicial Appreciation Luncheon ; hosting a summer kick-off party at Children ’ s Home Network ; and our State Court Trial Seminar . What an incredible year .
A year of joy would not have been possible without the commitment of time , talent , and treasure by my
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