HCBA Lawyer Magazine No. 33, Issue 3 | Page 9

Reserve your space today . Call ( 813 ) 221-7777 or email events @ hillsbar . com .
E d I T O R ’ S M E S S A G E J i m W i m s a t t – H a r r i s , H u n t & d e r r , P . A . continuedfrompage6
professional obligations , and , most importantly , a spouse , an eleven-year-old daughter , and an eight-year-old son . Given all of that , life “ intruded ” on my perfect training plan on a regular basis — clients , co-workers , fellow board members , and my family were all depending on me .
What made the plan sustainable for eighteen weeks was being as disciplined as I possibly could be , even if it meant running at 4:30 or 5:00 a . m . when everyone else was sleeping . Just as important was staying flexible , so that if I missed a run , I did not turn that into a disaster in my mind or into negative self-talk . Freaking out over a missed run , or harshly judging myself for missing a day , did nothing to bring me closer to that sub-four hour marathon . It only wasted energy and caused extra stress . That being said , I also had to make sure the flexibility and grace I showed myself did not turn into an excuse to miss more runs — the marathon was coming , and I wanted to be prepared . In the end , I ran twenty-six point two miles in three hours and forty-two minutes , achieving my goal through discipline tempered by flexibility .
As we turn the page on 2022 , one of my primary goals is to enact this strategy more fully into my legal practice . I think many attorneys could benefit from this approach to progress that is sustainable and does not end in burnout . In my experience , attorneys are great at the first step — being disciplined at what they do . However , they are not as good at the second step — allowing themselves the flexibility and grace to take a step back when needed , to take a break , and to let a loss , however the individual defines that , be a learning experience , but one they move on from quickly . My wish for each of you is to have a year full of healthy , sustainable progress . n

Hold your next meeting at the

Chester H . Ferguson Law Center

1610 N . Tampa Street , Tampa , FL 33602
The Chester H . Ferguson Law Center is an ideal location to hold a meeting or event with a variety of rooms to meet your needs . Reserve for a day or for a few weeks .
Convenient to downtown Tampa , the Ferguson Law Center has many amenities :
• Six conference rooms of varying sizes
• Complimentary AV equipment and Wi-Fi
• Free , street-level parking
Wagner Lounge
Smith Board Room
Trenam Conference Room
Gillen Mediation Room
Stiles Conference Room
Yerrid Conference Center

Reserve your space today . Call ( 813 ) 221-7777 or email events @ hillsbar . com .

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