E d I T O R ’ S M E S S A G E J i m W i m s a t t – H a r r i s , H u n t & d e r r , P . A .
manyattorneyscouldbenefitfrom [ an ] approachtoprogressthatis sustainableanddoesnotendinburnout .
Steve Magness and Brad Stulberg collaborated to write Peak Performance , published in 2017 . It is a book to which I often return for a refresher on how to try to maximize my performance as an attorney , while also avoiding burnout . Mr . Magness and Mr . Stulberg also collaborate on a podcast called The Growth Equation , on which they expand upon the topics covered in their collective and individual works .
On the November 30 , 2022 episode , entitled “ Sustainable Progress ,” they discuss a strategy for improving at a skill or activity over the long haul — defined as a year or longer — without burning out or getting discouraged . The key , they posit , is not following a rigid schedule or having something you must do every day or every week . Rather than an “ all or nothing ” mentality , they promote a framework that has three steps : ( 1 ) for any kind of behavior that you believe will lead you to sustainable progress you need to be disciplined and do “ the thing ” — whatever that is ; ( 2 ) if for whatever reason
you cannot do the thing , do not freak out or judge yourself harshly for not doing the thing ; and ( 3 ) don ’ t let number ( 2 ) be a chronic excuse for number ( 1 ). In other words , pick a behavior and hold yourself accountable to doing it ; be flexible enough that when life gets in the way , you can adjust without freaking out ; but don ’ t be so flexible that you lose the discipline needed to do the thing , whatever the thing may be . As they put it , all or none often means none .
There is an obvious tension in these ideas , and a balance that needs to be achieved . I experienced it firsthand this past year when I was training to run the Chicago Marathon . I had a detailed , eighteen-week training plan , that prescribed activities for six days each of those weeks . It was an ambitious plan , but one that I was confident would get me to my goal of completing the marathon in less than four hours . I also had an extremely busy legal practice , numerous civic and
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