HCBA Lawyer Magazine No. 33, Issue 2 | Page 19

ProPerPreservaTion : recenTchanGes andquickreminders
Appellate Practice Section
• BYOCr : bring your own court reporter . This may seem a bit obvious , but ultimately you have the burden to demonstrate evidence of error below . If there is no transcript of a particular hearing , it will be more difficult to obtain relief on the challenged issue . 8 When in doubt , shout it out . not literally , but always make sure that all challenges , objections , and issues are clearly raised on the record so they may be properly reviewed on appeal . These preservation tools will keep you out of a sticky situation . n
1 no . SC22-756 , 2022 WL 3650789 at * 1 ( Fla . Aug . 25 , 2022 ).
Id . at * 1 .
Id . ( emphasis added ).
Id .
Aills v . Boemi , 29 So . 3d 1105 , 1108 ( Fla . 2010 ).
Id . at 1109 .
Carratelli v . State , 961 So . 2d 312 , 318 ( Fla . 2007 ); Meruelo v . Mark Andrew of Palm Beaches , Ltd ., 12 So . 3d 247 , 251 ( Fla . 4th dCA 2009 ).
Applegate v . Barnett Bank of
Tallahassee , 377 So . 2d 1150 , 1152 ( Fla . 1979 ); see also Esaw v . Esaw , 965 So . 2d 1261 , 1264 – 65 ( Fla . 2d dCA 2007 ).
Author : Lara E . Breslow – Gordon Rees Scully Mansukhani , LLP
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