HCBA Lawyer Magazine No. 33, Issue 2 | Page 15

E x E C U T I V E d I r E C T O r ’ S M E S S A g E J o h n F . K y n e s –
H i l l s b o r o u g h C o u n t y B a r A s s o c i a t i o n continuedfrompage12
Later , Judge Palermo moderated a wide-ranging “ dugout Chat ” session featuring Florida Supreme Court Chief Justice Carlos Muñiz , who talked about the judiciary in Florida and the many significant challenges facing lawyers today .
“ We are grateful Chief Justice Muñiz traveled from Tallahassee to be with us to share some personal insights about his career and to offer some practical advice to younger attorneys about advancing their own legal careers ,” Palermo told me .
Fred Hearns , curator of Black history at the Tampa Bay History Center , was the keynote speaker at the Membership Luncheon .
In his remarks , Hearns talked about baseball great Jackie robinson and he highlighted that fact that this year marks the 75th anniversary of robinson breaking the color barrier in Major League Baseball .
Hearns talked about robinson ’ s distinguished personal life and athletic career , robinson ’ s historical connection to Tampa , and his impact on the civil rights movement in the United States .
Also at the luncheon , Chief Judge Ficarrotta and the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit Professionalism Committee presented the circuit ’ s 2022 Professionalism Awards .
The circuit ’ s private sector professionalism award was presented to Brad Kimbro of Holland & Knight , and the government sector award went to Michael Sinacore of the U . S . Attorney ’ s Office in Tampa .
In the afternoon , there were multiple breakout sessions , including a popular judicial roundtable that provided attorneys and judges the opportunity to candidly discuss issues of importance to the bench and bar , particularly in the wake of the pandemic .
And , at the end of the day , hundreds of HCBA members and dozens of judges gathered at JW Marriott for the annual Judicial reception .
HCBA President Simms-Petredis says the Bench Bar Conference has become such a success because of the strong support of the judiciary and all the event sponsors , especially longtime diamond Sponsor , Steve Yerrid , and Yerrid Law Firm .
“ The conference truly represents the unparalleled support , cooperation and camaraderie between our members and the local judiciary ,” Simms-Petredis said . n
( See the photos and full list of sponsors from the Bench Bar Conference on pages 32-36 ).
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