HCBA Lawyer Magazine No. 32, Issue 5 | Page 54

youR SuMMER REaDing LiSt , PaRt ii
Solo & Small Firm Section Chairs : ­Matthew­Crist­ – ­Crist­Legal , ­P . A . ­ & ­Rick­Duarte­ – ­The­Duarte­Firm , ­P . A .
we hope these materials help you break through your productive and creative challenges and make you a better lawyer and small firm practitioner .

Back in the November / December 2019 issue of The Lawyer Magazine , my co-chair , Matt Crist , shared a list of books that were his go-to resources whenever he needed a refresher on what he should be doing to keep his firm productive and successful . This article will build upon Matt ’ s previous list with some additional tools and resources in hopes that it will help us be better lawyers and business owners .

Thinking of starting your own firm ? Matt previously highlighted two very well-known books which have since been updated , How to Start & Build a Law Practice , by Jay G . Foonberg ( 6th Ed . 2016 ) and Solo by Choice : How to Be the Lawyer You Always Wanted to Be , by Carolyn Elefant ( 3d Ed . 2022 ). Another great resource is www . myshingle . com , the longestrunning blog on solo and small firm practice , also by Carolyn Elefant , the author of Solo by Choice .
Do you have a grip on your business , or does your business have a grip on you ? Do not let common
Continued on page 53
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