HCBA Lawyer Magazine No. 32, Issue 4 | Page 8

H C B A P R E S I D E N T ’ S M E S S A G E C o r y J . P e r s o n – H i l l W a r d H e n d e r s o n

Spring 2022 Brings Opportunities for Renewal and Growth for HCBA Members

Join us on April 13th as we celebrate our anniversary at a special “ HCBA 125 : Celebrating the Past , Looking to the Future ” event .

It ’ s been said that spring is a lovely reminder of how beautiful change can truly be . The spring season brings with it a time for renewal and growth , sometimes in different and unexpected ways .

The HCBA is continuing to run at full tilt , and this spring the HCBA is offering members numerous opportunities to grow professionally and to connect with colleagues .
As you may know , the HCBA is proud to be celebrating its 125th anniversary this Bar year .
To help celebrate this historic milestone , the HCBA is having a special event on Wednesday , April 13 , at the Ferguson Law Center .
The event is called HCBA 125 : Celebrating the Past , Looking to the Future .
There will be a reception beginning at 5:30 p . m . and panel discussion afterwards featuring some outstanding current and past leaders from the HCBA and Tampa ’ s legal community .
The noteworthy panelists are former 13th Judicial Circuit Chief Judge Manuel Menendez , Jr .; U . S . District Judge Mary Scriven ; Grace Yang ; and Gwynne Young .
Local historian Rodney Kite-Powell with the Tampa Bay History Center will moderate the event .
Thanks to HCBA 125 Committee co-chairs , Lanse Scriven and Tom Elligett , both former HCBA presidents , for helping to organize this event .
So , mark your calendar for April 13 and come help Later this spring , on May 16 , the HCBA will have its toast the HCBA on its 125th anniversary . annual Law Day membership luncheon at the JW
I am also proud to report that on March 2 the HCBA Marriott Water Street . This will be the final membership received a special proclamation ( pictured at right ) from the luncheon of the year , so come help us celebrate the end Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners of another outstanding Bar year . commemorating the HCBA ’ s 125th anniversary .
On May 12 , the Bar Foundation is also hosting its The HCBA is grateful to County Commissioner Harry annual Law & Liberty Dinner at the downtown Hilton Cohen for coordinating this recognition as well as the other members of the Commission for their support . Continued on page 7
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