J o s e l i n e J e a n - L o u i s H a r d r i c k –
E D I T O R ’ S M E S S A G E W M U C o o l e y L a w S c h o o l
a lot of progress in a short period of time ; although we have a long way to go to ensure diversity , equity , and inclusion for all . As such , the HCBA Standing Committee on Diversity , Inclusion , and Equity is currently updating the documentary “ Before the Law Was Equal .” You can view the original on the HCBA ’ s YouTube channel . 1
There are many interesting articles in this edition of the magazine that highlight the diversity of our legal profession and changes to the practice . Our feature article on page 14 is a profile of Judge Jennifer X . Gabbard , who discusses her Samoan heritage and how she incorporated it into her investiture ceremony and her everyday life . We also learn the story behind her middle initial and her relationship with a former presidential candidate . On page 12 , we learn more about the Hillsborough County State Attorney ’ s Conviction Review Unit and its new supervisor , Theresa Jean-Pierre Coy . The Professionalism Section considers the ethical implications of nonrefundable retainers on page 48 .
The Real Property , Probate & Trust Law Section discusses the newly created Division B , which hopes to create more efficiency on page 54 . And the Trial & Litigation Section revisits mediation and non-binding arbitration as part of the case management plan on page 58 .
For an interesting historical read , check out the Military and Veterans Affairs Committee ’ s deep dive into the history of the Civil Air Patrol , a civilian agency that provides homeland support of the military that started during World War II on page 46 . And the Marital and Family Law Section offers tips to practitioners on protecting parents ’ ability to co-parent and provide financial and other support to their special needs children after reaching the legal age of majority on page 38 .
The HCBA continues to celebrate 125 years of serving the lawyers and larger community of Tampa Bay , make sure to check out the special videos created to commemorate the occasion on the website www . hillsbar . com . n
Available at https :// youtu . be / 6OEYZD6DTL8 .
M a r - a p r 2 0 2 2 | H C B a L a W Y E r