E D I T O R ’ S M E S S A G E J o s e l i n e J e a n - L o u i s H a r d r i c k –
W M U C o o l e y L a w S c h o o l
HCBA ’ sContinuedCommitmenttodiversity , inclusion , andequityinthelaw
therearemanyinterestingarticlesinthiseditionofthemagazine thathighlightthediversityofourlegalprofessionandchangesto thepractice .
Given the cooler than expected weather in January , it ’ s nice to know that spring is around the corner . That usually means weather that is warm , sunny , and without too much humidity in the Tampa Bay area . With that warm weather comes numerous tourists , snowbirds , and other visitors . As we still work our way through COVID-19 and all its variants , the HCBA is working to keep everyone safe while providing access to our great events .
For example , in January , the HCBA held its annual Diversity Luncheon . The event was offered in person and had a virtual option to give attendees access even if they could not come in person . There was a keynote speaker and awards , but one , in particular , stands out for me . Legal pioneer Arthenia Joyner received the Outstanding Lawyer of the Year and the Justice and Lifetime Achievement awards . I have personally interviewed and spent time with her to learn about her “ journey to
esquire ” over 50 years ago . Find out more about her in the Executive Director ’ s Message on page 10 . Her receipt of this award is a powerful reminder that we have made
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