HCBA Lawyer Magazine No. 32, Issue 4 | Page 25

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Bar leadership Institute
be interested in becoming a future attorney or agent-attorney with the Tampa Field Office .
In addition to learning about potential careers for attorneys in federal law enforcement , BLI members also had the opportunity to learn from in-house counsel at Port Tampa Bay to close out the year . The BLI Class met at the Florida Aquarium for a boat tour of Port Tampa Bay on December 8 . Principal Counsel of the Port , Charles Klug , gave rich detail and insights on how Port Tampa Bay operates .
Klug has been working for Port Tampa Bay since 2004 . His prior practice at a private firm focused primarily on real estate . Klug explained that his role as Principal Counsel involves advising Port officials on various legal matters , including real estate , government compliance , and environmental issues . Klug and the Port engage outside counsel on these legal issues as needed .
Port Tampa Bay is Florida ’ s largest and most cargo-diverse seaport . The Port serves as one of the world ’ s largest fertilizer exporters due to the phosphate mining in the area . Port Tampa Bay also supplies gasoline to central Florida via a pipeline and serves nearly 1 million cruise ship passengers per year .
The boat tour concluded with a view of not only some of the cargo ships and shipping equipment but also of the Tampa skyline on a picture-perfect day . n
Authors : Megan Montagno - The Spring of Tampa Bay & Sarah Papadelias - Banker Lopez Gassler P . A .
City of Tampa Recognizes HCBA ’ s 125th Anniversary
theHCBAwashonoredtoberecognizedbythetampaCityCouncilon december2withaproclamationcommemoratingour125thAnniversary sinceourfoundingin1896 . wewanttothankCouncilmanluisvierafor coordinatingtherecognitionaswellasallthecouncilmembersfortheir supportandformakingthisproclamationpossible . HCBApresidentCory personandotherrepresentativesfromtheHCBAacceptedthe proclamationonbehalfoftheHCBAattheCityCouncilmeeting .
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