Diversity Membership Luncheon
Approximately300membersparticipatedin-personandvirtuallyatourannualdiversity membershipluncheononJanuary19attheJwmarriottwaterstreettampa . ourfeatured speaker , raniashehata , vicepresidentandgeneralCounsel-Americasattechdata Corporation , providedaninspiringpresentationonhowtoempowerdiversetalent . wealsowerehonoredtorecognizeseveralleadersinourlegalcommunitywithannualawards , includingArtheniaJoyner , whoreceivedour2021outstandinglawyerAwardanddiversity lifetimeAchievementAward . inaddition , theyounglawyersdivisionpresenteditsannualawards tofouroutstandingmembers . readmoreabouttheseawardwinnersonpages8-10 .
Photography is courtesy of Thompson Brand Images ( www . thompsonbrandimages ). Thank you also to TCS for providing A / V assistance and signage at the conference ( www . trialcs . com ). Thompson Brand Images and TCS are benefit providers for the HCBA . Additional photos from the event are available at www . facebook . com / HCBATampabay .
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