S P E C I A L F E A T U R E L y n d s e y E . S i a r a – T h i r t e e n t h J u d i c i a l C i r c u i t C o u r t
to American Samoa , Judge Gabbard shared her family history and culture and how it has shaped the person and judge she became . Gabbard ’ s late father was born in American Samoa , a U . S . territory in the South Pacific Ocean , particularly valuable for its naturally deep harbor . It is an archipelago whose land area is slightly larger than Washington , D . C . With only around 50,000 people populating the islands , Gabbard brings rare diversity to our local bench . Her family ’ s interesting history is worth sharing .
Gabbard ’ s paternal grand - father joined the United States Air Force and moved the family to Hawaii when Gabbard ’ s father was a young boy to build a better life . Gabbard ’ s mother is a Florida native . Serendipitously , Gabbard ’ s maternal and paternal grandfathers were both stationed at Eglin Air Force Base in the Florida Panhandle . Gabbard ’ s parents became high school sweethearts . With his 6 ’ 5 ” frame and dark Samoan skin — in a predominantly white high school —
Judge Gabbard and her mother in Estonia .
Gabbard ’ s dad , Ben , was a memorable guy . Gabbard resembles him . Her father ’ s younger siblings reported feelings of differentness while living in the Panhandle , but as a well-liked , star athlete , her father never experienced discrimination . He began college on a basketball scholarship but later switched to playing baseball at Troy State University . Gabbard ’ s father ’ s athleticism didn ’ t translate to her . “ He tried to teach me tennis ; it didn ’ t work out ,” she joked . But she managed to pique his interest in hockey — “ the one sport he knew nothing about ,” she noted — and they enjoyed cheering on the Tampa Bay Lightning together .
Her parents married during their college years . After Gabbard ’ s two brothers were born , their mother , Audrey , graduated from the University of West Florida and became a teacher . Gabbard ’ s brother Ben ( one of five family “ Bens ”) is eight years her senior and now works in insurance . Brother Chris is seven years older and is a
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