HCBA Lawyer Magazine No. 32, Issue 4 | Page 16

S P E C I A L F E A T U R E L y n d s e y E . S i a r a – T h i r t e e n t h J u d i c i a l C i r c u i t C o u r t

Beyondtherobe : JudgeJenniferX . gabbard

withdeepfamilytiestoAmericansamoa , Judgegabbardsharesherfamilyhistory andcultureandhowithasshapedthepersonandjudgeshehasbecome .

In the tenth segment of this recurring series on Thirteenth Judicial Circuit judges , Judge Jennifer X . Gabbard is showcased . Inquiring minds need to know the origin of the mysterious “ X ” middle initial . Judge Gabbard revealed the “ somewhat nerdy ” story . Because sonograms were not yet widely used , Gabbard ’ s gender was unknown throughout her mother ’ s pregnancy . Her parents — both teachers — lovingly referred to her in utero as “ X ,” a letter used in algebra to represent the unknown . Preceded by two older brothers , Gabbard ’ s parents were somewhat surprised by the baby girl . They quickly settled on an agreeable first name but were at a loss for a middle name , so

Judge Gabbard and her parents at her investiture . her pre-birth moniker stuck . While it caused her angst as a child ( a ripe opportunity for brotherly teasing ), Gabbard grew to appreciate this differentiator that distinguishes her from the world ’ s many other Jennifers . Her familial background is as unique as her middle initial .
A discussion on diversity was the genesis of this feature . A surprise phone call from retired Judge Claudia Isom ( and January-February 2018 , Beyond the Robe feature ; Vol . 28 , No . 3 ) laid the foundation . Excited to learn that Gabbard is likely the first Thirteenth Circuit judge of Pacific Islander descent , she wanted to know more . With deep family ties
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