Without a doubt , our strongest asset at the State Attorney ’ s Office is our team . We strive to hire , develop , and promote talent throughout our office . Top talent is even more critical for specialty positions , and our Conviction Review Unit ( CRU ) demands a supervisor with legal acumen , trial experience , and steadfast objectivity . So , we ’ re thrilled about our new CRU supervisor , Theresa Jean- Pierre Coy . |
ation . If the CRU identifies a wrongful conviction , our office will take the necessary steps to remedy that conviction .
Ms . Jean-Pierre Coy brings superb perspective to this position . She ’ s a longtime leader in Tampa Bay ’ s legal community with experience as a civil attorney , private criminal defense attorney , Assistant Public
Defender , and adjunct professor at both her alma mater Stetson
University College of Law and
WMU Cooley Law School .
In the community , Ms . Jean-
We founded the CRU in 2018 |
Pierre |
Coy |
has |
served |
as |
to identify , remedy , and prevent |
president |
of |
the |
George |
wrongful convictions . Attorneys , inmates , and the public can submit a petition 1 to the CRU . If it contains a plausible claim of innocence , we thoroughly investigate the case from begin - ning to end . An Independent |
Edgecomb Bar Association , a member of the Mayor ’ s African-
American Advisory Council and many professional organizations , and as both a hearing officer and
Civil Service Board attorney for the City of Tampa .
Review Panel of retired judges then provides additional evalu - |
Theresa Jean-pierre Coy |
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