E X E C U T I V E D I R E C T O R ’ S M E S S A G E J o h n F . K y n e s - H i l l s b o r o u g h C o u n t y B a r A s s o c i a t i o n
“[ t ] oday , the criteria for these awards is embodied in one very deserving person : Senator Arthenia Joyner .” Person shared some of Joyner ’ s many highlights in her distinguished career in law and politics , which has spanned more than 50 years .
Joyner graduated from Florida A & M University College of Law in 1968 and would become the first Black woman to practice law in Hillsborough County and the first Black person to practice law in Polk County . Person noted Joyner was among the first Black members to serve on the HCBA Board of Directors . In 1984 , she was elected president of the National Bar Association , the nation ’ s oldest and largest network of predominantly African-American attorneys . In 1991 , Joyner was the first Black person appointed to the Hillsborough County Aviation Authority .
Additionally , Joyner served three terms in the Florida House of Representatives ( 2000-06 ), and she was subsequently elected to serve in the Florida Senate ( 2006-2016 ). During Joyner ’ s time in the Legislature , she held many significant posts , including being elected the first Black woman to serve as Senate Minority Leader ( 2014 ).
“[ Joyner ] is a glass ceiling shattering woman of color ,” Person told the crowd .
“ Senator Joyner is the embodiment of an outstanding lawyer … she is and has been a change agent for persons of color and particularly for African American and women lawyers ,” he added .
In accepting the awards , Joyner thanked the HCBA for the recognition and said , “[ t ] oday , I am especially pleased to accept these awards at the intersection of our 125 years as a Bar association and the progress we have
arthenia Joyner receiving the Outstanding Lawyer award from HCBa president Cory person at HCBa ’ s Diversity Membership Luncheon . made in the diversification of our profession .”
Joyner concluded by quoting Dr . Martin Luther King , Jr .’ s famous quotation , stating that “[ t ] he arc of the moral universe is long , but it bends toward justice ,” and adding that “ sometimes [ the arc ] needs a little help to make that turn , and we , and all of us as lawyers , are the force to make that happen .”
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Also , at the Diversity Membership Luncheon , the following YLD award winners were recognized :
• YLD 2021 Robert W . Patton Outstanding Jurist Award : Hon . Jessica G . Costello , 13th Judicial Circuit .
• YLD 2021 Outstanding Young Lawyer Award : Alexandra Palermo , Syniverse Technologies .
• YLD 2021 Outstanding Government / Nonprofit Lawyer Awards : Lyndsey Siara and Christian Katchuk , 13th Judicial Circuit Court .
Read more about these outstanding award winners in the YLD President ’ s article on page 8 . n
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