Hawkesbury Independent IND 170 JULY 2024 | Page 31

5 / 148 Windsor St , RICHMOND

Road work - Old Northern


Road , Wisemans Ferry

Nightwork has begun to replace sections of asphalt and repaint road markings along Old Northern Road , in both directions , between Hawkins Lookout , Wisemans Ferry and 5047 Old Northern Road , Maroota .
The work will take place from Sunday to Thursday each week , between the hours of 8pm and 5am the next day , up until the 19th July , weather permitting .
Old Northern Road will be closed between Wisemans Ferry Road , Maroota and River Road , Wisemans Ferry .
Motorists will need to detour via Old Northern Road at Maroota to Castle Hill Road , Pennant hills Road , Pacific Motorway , Peats Ridge Road , George Downes Drive and Wisemans Ferry Road to access the northern side of the Hawkesbury River . The vehicle ferry will be required to cross to the township of Wisemans Ferry .
Emergency vehicle access will be maintained at all times . No heavy vehicles will be able to access the area , at any time , during the work hours .
Access will be maintained for local residents on Old Northern Road and in the villages north of the work zone , under the direction of traffic controllers .
However , there may be delays of up to one hour at the closure points at River Road and Wisemans Ferry Road until safe travel through the work zone can be arranged .
For residents that live within these closure points , but do not need to pass through the work zone , the delays will be less .
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Draft Communication and Engagement Strategy now on public exhibition

Strong communication and engagement channels between Council and residents are fundamental in supporting the delivery of services and projects that make the Hawkesbury a great place to live , work and play , while informing , empowering and connecting our diverse and dynamic community .
This vision lies at the heart of our Draft Communication and Engagement Strategy 2024-2028 , which is now on public exhibition . It seeks to build on the work which has been done to communicate and engage with the community and identifies opportunities , challenges and actions to improve Council ’ s practices .
A copy of the Draft Strategy can be viewed at www . yourhawkesburyyoursay . com . au or at Council ’ s Administration Building at 366 George Street , Windsor , Hawkesbury Central Library at 300 George Street , Windsor , and at Richmond Library at 29 West Market Street , Richmond . We warmly invite the community to review it and provide their feedback and insights by Monday , 14 July 2024 .
Community engagement was integral to the development of the Draft Communication and Engagement Strategy 2024-2028 and Council implemented an engagement program with more than 600 people between October 2023 and May
2024 . The engagement activities included reviewing the results from the Community Satisfaction Survey , conducting a range of targeted community surveys , focus group workshops and face to face discussions with the Aboriginal community and Councillors .
Once finalised , the Communication and Engagement Strategy 2024-2028 , which includes a detailed Action Plan , will formally guide communication and engagement over the next four years .
Have Your Say by Monday , 14 July 2024 at www . yourhawkesbury-yoursay . com . au or email council @ hawkesbury . nsw . gov . au or via mail PO Box 146 , Windsor NSW 2756 or email council @ hawkesbury , nsw . gov . au

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Paul : 0412 874 669 or call 4578 7727

5 / 148 Windsor St , RICHMOND

Fax : 4578 7728
THE HAWKESBURY INDEPENDENT theindependentmagazine . com . au ISSUE 170 // JULY 2024 31