Haunt Rater Magazine Volume \"13\" | Page 3

So, how did you fair with all things "13"? September 13th, 2013 marked the first day for many haunted attractions in 2013. All of the haunted attractions geared up to provide you with the scariest experience possible. Which is why we are very excited to have our 13th issue of haunt rater magazine be our biggest issue yet!

We are really going all out for this issue to bring you the scariest stories ever heard, superstitions, the best haunted attractions to visit, places to visit, supply companies and family fun activities. We are looking forward to this issue and we hope that you

are too. We know that this will

be the best one yet!!!

When people talk about the

number "13" they get scared and

tend to get goosebumps. Many dare

not even talk about that dreaded

number. Why is it so scary and so

feared? Why is the number 13 so

scary as opposed to any other

number. Sure people also have a

fear of the number 7 as well but,

the number 13 is more widely known.

When you go to a hospital or any

other building and if you take the

elevator you will come to notice that most, if not all, buildings do not have a thirteenth floor or if they do there is no direct access to it accept for staff or employees only. Why is that? WHy no thirteenth floor? For the same reason that people fear the dreaded number 13.

I mean how many times have you heard stories about elevators making it to the thirteenth floor only to deliver its guests to another dimension or world, or to have its guests reach their final destination? Well, i know that i have heard many tales of this such thing. Well, prepare yourselves for the biggest issue of 2013 and all that it has to offer!