Haunt Rater Magazine Volume \"13\" | Page 2

In this issue you will read about HAuNTCon, Haunted Gettysburg, attractions throughout the United States, our Top 13 Picks for 2013 and much much more! Our 13th Issue celebrates all things "13"! If you are superstitious and are afraid of coming across the number 13 then this issue is not for you! It is filled with stories and superstitions that all should fear!

So, are you truly ready to read "All things 13" and experience the true horror behind this haunting season as you come to see where "Fear can be Found"?

Now is the time for you to decide if turning these pages is a good idea or if it will only lead to years upon years of bad luck...or worse! Turn the pages of this hallowed magazine to discover your worst nightmares and see what fear awaits you throughout this magazine, the 13th Issue of Haunt Rater Magazine!

See you inside!