Q: Do you attend any haunted conventions? Which ones?
A: I always attend the Transworld Halloween show in St. Louis. If anyone wants to get into this business, this is the show you need to start with. It’s filled with informative seminars, has all the major manufacturers of props, masks, costumes, makeup; everything a haunter needs. I also attend the Midwest Haunters convention in Ohio. I have been to IAAPA in November in Orlando, which is geared more toward amusement parks and larger attractions. We also have a local convention here in southeastern PA; the National Haunters Convention.
Q: Do you have any funny experiences in which you have scared the living daylights out of customers? Any you can share?
A: We had a guy come staggering out of the Bates Motel exit, collapse then go into convulsions. My EMT ran over to the guy, then told me to call 911 and get an ambulance here. After 2 or 3 minutes, the guy rolls over and sits up. My medic asks him if he’s OK. The guy replies that he has an implant defribulator and it must have kicked in. His buddy is there laughing. We tell the friend “why would you bring this guy here knowing he has a heart condition?” The friend replied that they go to haunted attractions all the time, just never got scared this bad before. We insisted he get checked out at the hospital.