So that's it; another year over. It's always difficult to disentangle 'My Year' from 'Our Year', but to the extent that I'm able to do that Harringay's 2013 felt like the end of a begining of sorts.
When I first moved here, it felt like Harringay didn't really know who or what it was. Over the past ten years, change has been steadily redefining Harringay.
For me, the local sense of community is much more tangible. In 2001 tha idea of a Harringay Festival seemed risible. Now we have a permenant biennial one and this year at the flick of a wrist (and a lot of hard work) came the Hidden River Festival and the Party in the Warehouse District.
We had numerous exhibtions in local cafes (new and old), a hidden cinema started up and Harringay Market is still going strong. Who'd a thunk it.
On top of everything, our high street is getting a facelift.
It was a good year for Harringay - not one without bumps in the road, but in general a good year.
I'm not sure that it's possible to capture a year in a few pages, but hopefully this short review will at least give a flavour of Harringay's 2013!