Harmony In Marriage Harmony In Marriage | Page 23

12 Harmony in Marriage do this. Any quarrels you have, will affect your children’s lives. Quarrels in the home affect the growing minds of children. Homes that are free of quarrels will have healthy children with emotional maturity. Otherwise a lot of problems will ensue for these children in the future. Since the spontaneous expression of this Gnan within me twenty years ago and even twenty years prior to the Gnan, there has been no quarrelling in my home life. In this world, you cannot afford to quarrel under any circumstances. So from now on, think before you do it. Otherwise take Dada Bhagwan’s name. I too, take Dada Bhagwan’s name before I do anything. As soon as you take Dada Bhagwan’s name, your work will get done, as you would like it. [3] DIFFERENCES OF OPINION BETWEEN HUSBAND AND WIFE First and foremost, we need to get rid of anger, pride, attachment, greed, and reduce conflicts due to differences of opinions. This is our goal. We have to let the light of knowledge guide us. How long can you remain in the darkness? Have you seen the consequences of anger, pride, attachment, greed, and discord? Questioner : Yes, many times. Dadashri : Where, in the courtroom? Questioner : At home, in the courts, discord exists everywhere. Dadashri : What is the situation at home? There are only three of you at home, how can you have discord? You do not even have too many children. What possible reason for discord exists in your home of three people?