Harmony In Marriage Harmony In Marriage | Page 21

10 Harmony in Marriage
beyond your control . If she starts quarrelling , just go to bed . After a while , she too will go to sleep . But what if you argue back ?
Why don ’ t you make a decision not to quarrel for at least three days and see what happens . What is wrong with experimenting ? Some people go on a fast for three days to improve their health , don ’ t they ? In the same way , try not to quarrel . Everyone at home should sit down together and decide , “ I liked what Dada said , so from this moment on , we will not allow any quarrels to take place .” Then just see what happens .
Questioner : Here , in America , even the women go out to work , so they feel a sense of power , and this leads to an increase in conflicts between husband and wife .
Dadashri : It is good if the women become a little powerful . We should take that positively ; we should think it is good because now the ‘ cart ’ will run better . Is it better to have weak bullocks pulling the cart or powerful ones ?
Questioner : If the power is used properly , then it is fine , but if that power were to be misused , then the cart would run poorly .
Dadashri : If there is no one to accept the effect of her power , then it will just bounce against the wall . If she uses that power and it does not perturb you , then all her power will bounce off the wall and come back to her . It will hurt her .
Questioner : Are you trying to tell us that we shouldn ’ t listen to what they are saying ?
Dadashri : Do listen . Listen to everything very carefully . It is beneficial for you to listen to everything , but if her power causes conflicts , then remain silent . You should just observe the