Harmony In Marriage Harmony In Marriage | Page 19

8 Harmony in Marriage Dadashri : However at that time, the thought occurred to me that whatever had begun, would eventually come to an end. Of the two of us, one of us would be widowed. When you got married in the presence of all your guests and relatives, with the Sun and the priest as your witnesses, the mantra chanted by the priest was, “Samaya varte savdhan,” (Exercise caution according to the event in time). The priest understands what he is saying when he says, “Samaya varte savdhan!” but does the person getting married understand it? What does this mantra mean? It means that when your wife loses her temper, you should remain calm and alert. Only then, do you qualify for marriage. If she gets angry and you get angry too, then you have not exercised caution in time. When she gets upset, you should calm things down. Is it not necessary for you to be cautious? I had remained cautious. I never allowed any discord in my marriage. The moment any discord started, I would bring out the ‘welding kit’. Questioner : What is the root cause of all conflicts? Dadashri : Tremendous ignorance. Men and women do not know how to live in this world. A man does not know how to be a father and neither does he know how to be a husband. Similarly, a woman does not know how to be a wife. They do not know the art of living. With all the material comforts, benefits, and conveniences, there is still so much misery. People live in the ocean of bliss and yet they are searching for a drop of water! Questioner : But isn’t quarrelling due to the differences in personality? Dadashri : It is because of ignorance. In this world, no two personalities can ever match. After acquiring this understanding, there is only one solution, and that is, “Adjust