Happy Woman Club April 2013 | Page 23

The movies we play in our minds .

Just like deciding to change the channel to look for something positive to watch, we can do the same thing in our minds.

We can really choose what tape to play from our history channel.

This is actually quite easy , more than you can imagine. Just have the will to want to feel good, and choose one specfic memory in which you felt you were on top of the world. Now play that once, close your eyes, and see it happening all over infront of you.

Try to involve your senses, the sounds you heard at that time, the smell of the place, the lighting, your sense your touch, and so on. Again, play it all over in your mind, this time, imagine that you are watching it on a big screen, as big as you can imagine !

Make it as ALIVE as possible.

Try this for several times each day, and see what begins to happen to your daily thoughts.

Don't be surprised if your brain actually begins to like this, and you find your

happen. Don't be surprised if your mind starts to pick out other good memories to recall !

Our minds , amazingly are capable of following our comand, so what are you waiting for? be that responsible comander, and create good and positive things only !