Hannah's Testimony Magazine hannahs testimony magazine | Page 31

should realise that God knows the end from the beginning. He knows how that relationship will fare so it is in our own interest to enquire of the Lord and to follow his command. Obedience brings fruitfulness. One day, I was at home minding my business when a dear sister called with a message from God. She said that God said I should go and pick up the book I had abandoned and continue writing. Indeed I had started writing a book and had shelved it for 2 years. I picked it up, dusted it and started work on it. This same sister became my personal ‘police’. Every week, she would call to enquire of my progress. She pushed me till I finished writing the book titled “The Pain of Rejection, ...a tale of two sisters”. The book incorporates the story of Leah and Rachel as a backdrop to bring out issues of rejection, depression and God’s love. It was after the book was published that I realised how crucial the timing was. God had a plan which was unveiled after the launch of the book. FEATURE A project dubbed ‘The Message of Hope’ was birthed through the book. The timing was crucial because there had been a sudden increase of suicides in our tertiary institutions in Ghana. There was an urgent need to educate students on the issues of rejection, depression and suicidal tendencies and how to overcome them. God began to open doors for us to go to the schools to speak on the issues of rejection, depression and suicide. We share the love of God and also encourage students to look out for each other by reaching out to their colleagues who are going through any form of depression. We encourage the students to be watch dogs so none will perish. We have so far spoken to about 6,000 students and given away free books as well. What if I hadn’t obeyed? God has a plan for all of us and the key to unveiling the plan is obedience. You might not have the full picture but as you obey, all is revealed. Loving God makes it easier to obey his commands. By Pearl Ocloo Dua The Message of Hope Project “Give your burdens to the Lord, and he will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall” Psalm 55:22 Free distribution of the book The Pain of Rejection ... a tale of two sisters to High Schools and Tertiary Institutions email:[email protected] to support this project. 31 Hannah’s Testimonies