Handbooks and Publications - Fire Prevention | Page 21

Fire Prevention Tips FURNACES Some commercial businesses are using furnaces to dispose of their paper in case of fire, immediately shut off the power. Call the Fire Department. Some automatic furnaces have a red emergency switch. In case of an emergency involving the furnace, throw the switch. Smother all fires involving electrical heating equipment such as portable 'use a multipurpose (or Type B) extinguisher for a gas fire. OUTDOOR FIRES Many localities prohibit the outdoor burning of trash, wood, leaves, etc. other communities require a special permit for outdoor fires and will allow outdoor burning only during certain times of the year. Be sure to check with your local fire department to see what the laws are in your area regarding fires. If outdoor fires are allowed in your area, always be sure to take the following precautions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Bum trash and leaves only in a metal trash burner. Make sure the burner is at least 20 feet away from any structures. Be sure there is a screen over the burner to prevent sparks from flying. NEVER attempt to bum on a windy day. When burning rubbish in an open bonfire, be sure to have a water hose readily available, should the fire get out of hand. 6. NEVER BURN cans containing aerosol sprays. The heating of these cans may cause an explosion. EXCAVATION (Digging Safely) Anyone who excavates on public or private property must notify utility companies before digging, except in an emergency. Gas, electric, telephone and cable television companies have underground pipes and cables in spots that you might not expect. If you happen to hit one of those lines while digging, it is quite possible that an explosion, fire, electrocution or other Page | 18