Handbooks and Publications - Fire Prevention | Page 20
Fire Prevention Tips
Like electrical fires, gas and oil fires require smothering. Use a multipurpose or Type
B extinguisher. DO NOT use water. Flammables such as gasoline float and may
cause the fire to spread. If an extinguisher is not available, use baking soda or
sand. In the case of small gas fires, follow these steps.
1. Shut off the gas supply always. Call the Fire Department.
2. Smother the fire with a blanket, multipurpose or Type B extinguisher.
3. Ventilate the area to allow gas to escape.
4. Contact your gas company.
NOTE: NEVER enter a room with a cigarette or lighted match if you smell gas. A small
spark could ignite any gas in the air and cause an explosion.
Most cooking fires involve grease which has accumulated in the oven, or oil being
heated on a burner. For a fire in the oven, smother by keeping the door closed
and/or throw baking soda on the inflamed food. Use the lid or baking soda to
smother a fire in a pan. However, DO NOT move the pan. This will only fan the fire
and draw up the flames. Be sure to NEVER use water on a grease fire.
Basements and garages are often used as storage areas in the home. Many people
also install or build metal sheds for storage. Wherever the storage area, efforts
should be made to keep it neatly organized and free of potential fire hazards. In the
event of a small storage fire, however, take the following reactive measures:
1. Smother with a blanket or rug to cut off the air supply. Call the Fire
2. Use a Type B or multipurpose extinguisher for liquids, solvents, oily
rags or charcoal.
3. Use a Type A extinguisher or water for newspapers which have caught
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