Steps to Survival :
› Recognize the loss › Be with the pain - mourn / cry › Loss is a part of life - you are not alone › You will heal - give yourself time › Healing is not linear - full of ups and downs › Take care of yourself - rest , nutrition , schedule › Keep decision making to a minimum › Seek and Accept support › Reaffirm your faith › Make a plan for weekends / holidays - do something you enjoy › Be gentle with yourself
› Suicidal Thoughts / Depression ( symptoms of pain ) - seek support / help to prevent worsening
› Beware of addictive behaviors : alcohol , drugs , and food
› Use mementos if helpful ; if they bind you to the past - re‐evaluate
› It ’ s okay to feel angry - Possible releases are exercising , pounding on a pillow , making music , drawing , kneading clay , or yelling and screaming when you ’ re alone
› Journal - put thoughts and feelings to paper , reflect back on your grief journey
› Expect “ grief bursts ” - triggers / reminders during healing › Search of “ glimmers ” - tiny reminders of joy / happiness