Halifax Health Hospice Bereavement Resources June 2024 | Page 19

Possible Reactions to Loss :

› Anger - with God , medical personnel , yourself , the deceased
› Sleep disturbances - sleeping too much / too little / needing medication
› Having a change in eating habits with significant weight loss or gain
› Increased susceptibility to illness - colds , flu › Aches and Pains ( headache , muscle ) › Throat and chest tightness › Change in motivation / energy level › Unable to concentrate or remember things › Irritability › Isolation / Fear of being alone or with people - social withdrawal
› Feeling guilty - past relationship dynamics , of moving on , being happy
› Wearing deceased clothing / jewelry / etc › Anxiety / Panic attack › Sadness / Withdrawal - crying / mourning › Feelings of overwhelm / Helplessness
› Confusion / Disbelief / Yearning - thinking you see / hear your loved one ; searching for deceased
› Increased noise sensitivity