Hal Clagett - Magazine 420 | Page 9




The hardiness and nutritional benefits of hemp could help address many of the world’s starvation problems. Not including Whole Foods Markets sales, hemp food sales in North America grew by 39% over the previous year (from August 2006 to August 2007), or by $2.1 million, to a total of $7.7 million. Based on this, it is estimated that the total retail value of hemp foods sold in this period in North America grew from $14 million (in 2006) to approximately $20 million in 2007. Over 600,000 acres of hemp grow worldwide today. The 2002 figures for global hemp sales were US$250 million. US$150 million in the United States alone.

The HIA (Hemp Industries Association) is confident that the total North American hemp food and body care market in 2008 accounted for at least $100 million in retail sales. In 2005-2008, hemp food sales have averaged 47% annual growth, making hemp one of the fastest-growing natural food categories.

The production increase is most dramatic in Europe, where hemp is subsidized. Hemp commercialization has begun in Canada. Over 8,500 acres were grown in Canada in 2008 and 25,000 acres of the crop were sown in Canada in 2010 though our northern neighbors receive no government incentives to grow the crop.

It is currently illegal to grow industrial hemp for food, oil, paper or fabric in the USA, but it is perfectly legal to export hemp to the U.S. and to process, consume and wear it there.

Hemp Nutrition