Hal Clagett - Magazine 420 | Page 10

Just as corn can be converted into clean-burning ethanol fuel, so can hemp. Because hemp produces more biomass than any plant species, can be grown in a wide range of climates and locations, hemp has great potential to become a major source of ethanol fuel.

According to the Department of Energy, hemp as a biomass fuel producer requires the least specialized growing and processing procedures of all hemp products. Furthermore, the hydrocarbons in hemp can be processed into an array of biomass energy sources, from fuel pellets to liquid fuels and gas. Development of bio-fuels could significantly reduce our consumption of fossil fuels and nuclear power.

Hemp can be used to produce strong, durable and environmentally-friendly plastic substitutes. Thousands of products made from petroleum-based plastics can be produced from hemp-based composites. Due to its high content of beneficial oils and natural emollient properties, hemp is becoming a common ingredient in lotions and many other skin, hair, and cosmetic products. It is a good alternative to the toxic chemicals present in many petroleum based lotions and cosmetics.

Industrial geniuses like Henry Ford have long recognized the value of biomass fuel, calling it “the fuel of the future.” Ford constructed a car made from hemp plastic and ran the car on ethanol made from hemp. The plastic was lighter than steel and could withstand 10 times the impact without denting. Ford knew hemp could produce vast economic resources if widely cultivated. About six percent of contiguous United States land area put into cultivation for biomass could supply all current demands for oil and gas while maintaining a neutral carbon system. Energy-farming can be the new green backbone of the American way for the 21st century and beyond as it once was before the age of cheap oil and cannabis propaganda. This new system could be employed by massive, unregulated hemp energy farming, with the ethic of a new culture of conservation. The United Nations has reported the need to reform farming, especially to the degree of multi-functional operations that are both secure and sovereign and can be coordinated on a large scale for many different purposes. Hemp is the ideal crop for this task.