Hake's Auction Catalog 241 | Page 20

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88 . HARRISON & MORTON 1888 JUGATE CANE TOPPER . 34.5 ” long overall w / 1.5 ” dia . cast metal topper . Text reading “ Republican 1888 ” featuring Harrison and Morton facing one another . Hand-carved wooden shaft w / unusual textured carving . Moderate wear to metal topper . Fine . ( I ) $ 200.00 89 . “ HURRAH FOR HARRISON AND MORTON ” HAND CARVED CAMPAIGN PARADE CANE . 36 ” long . Original ferrule on bottom . Text carved along the side reads “ Hurrah For President Benjamin Harrison Of Indiana And For Vice President Levi P . Morton Of New York .” Moderate surface wear and handling from use . VF . ( I ) $ 200.00 90 . HARRISON & MORTON 1888 BRASS SHELL JUGATE BADGE W / AMERICAN FLAG RIBBON . 4 ” long overall w / 2.75 ” wide brass hanger . DeWitt 1888-32 . Horizontal bar pin on reverse . Fading on ribbon and portraits / w stain on Morton ’ s jacket . Some luster loss on brass hanger and moderate wear . Overall Fine . Rare . ( I ) $ 200.00 91 . HARRISON & MORTON PANSY FLOWER ORNATE 1888 JUGATE BADGE HAKE # 3209 . 1-5 / 8 ” w / stickpin on reverse . Listed in DeWitt / Sullivan as 1888-106 . Die-cut sheet of silvered brass divided into four flower petals and colored on the front in deep purple and bright gold to represent a pansy . A pair of oval brass frames with tiny tabs hold cardboard real photos of Harrison and Morton . Blank reverse has lost silver luster as typical due to the thin flashing evaporating over time . Front has moderate wear on upper petals w / faint stain on Harrison ’ s forehead and moderate wear on portraits w / just the slightest age tone traces on the edges of Morton ’ s photo . Overall VF . Rarely found complete like this as the upper two petals were very prone to snapping off . ( I ) $ 200.00 92 . HARRISON ALBUMEN PORTRAIT IN BRASS SHELL AMERICAN SHIELD BADGE . 1.25 ” w / vertical pin on reverse . Portrait has moderate aging wear . Brass shell retains full luster . Extremely Fine . ( H / I ) $ 100.00 93 . BENJAMIN HARRISON SIGNED POSTMASTER APPOINTMENT DOCUMENT . 14x17 ”. Appointment dated June 10 , 1891 . Document appointing Christopher Sheets to the position of postmaster at Braddock in Allegheny County , PA . Signed by President Benjamin Harrison and Postmaster General John Wanamaker on June 24 , 1891 . Retains original embossed seal in bottom left . Moderate age toning seen most notably along left edge , w / stain in upper left corner . Otherwise light scattered creases w / moderate surface wear and handling . Fine . ( I ) $ 200.00 94 . HARRISON & LONGENECKER RARE 1892 ILLINOIS COATTAIL JUGATE RIBBON . 7.75 ” long . Silk . Unlisted in Sullivan / Fischer . Over-under portraits of the Republican candidates . Longenecker came in a distant second to Joseph W . Fifer ( 941-120 ) on the first ballot at the May 4 , 1892 state GOP convention where this ribbon was likely distributed to supporters . Fifer would eventually lose to Democrat John Altgeld . A small hole in Longenecker ’ s mustache , as well as a few scattered areas of thinness . Some faint edge staining w / even aging and moderate wear . Fine . Larry Brokofsky Collection . ( I ) $ 200.00 95 . CLEVELAND & STEVENSON “ OUR CHOICE THE LIGHT RUNNING ‘ DOMESTIC ’” 1892 JUGATE RIBBON . 7 ” long . Features portraits of the 1892 Democratic ticket at bottom . Star in center is a stitched addition to the ribbon . Only light scattered wear w / a few minor creases near the top . Otherwise ribbon is crisp and clean . Exc . John Hillhouse Collection . ( I ) $ 200.00 96 . CLEVELAND “ NEW YORK BUSINESS MEN ’ S ” 1893 INAUGURAL BADGE WITH CELLO PORTRAIT . 8.5 ” long w / 1.25 ” cello . W & H label on reverse . Left ribbon reads “ Civic Escort To President Elect Grover Cleveland .” Slight fading on portrait . Ribbon is crisp and bright w / only minor wear . Overall Exc . A beautiful and ornate inauguration badge . ( I / J ) $ 200.00 97 . CLEVELAND & STEVENSON CONJOINED JUGATE 1893 INAUGURATION RIBBON . 3.75x9.75 ”. Applied portraits of Cleveland and Stevenson in center . Features the U . S . Capitol above the portraits w / text below reading “ The Nations Choice ”. Even aging wear on ribbon w / even fading to portraits . Some fraying along the left edge on back of the ribbon . Otherwise moderate surface wear and handling . Fine . ( I ) $ 200.00 98 . GROVER & FRANCES CLEVELAND “ EXECUTIVE MANSION ” SIGNED CARD PAIR . Cards are each 2.75x4.5 ” on stock . Grover Cleveland ’ s signature is dated December 1894 ( during the middle of his second term ). Comes w / enveloped mailed from the “ Executive Mansion ” that is postmarked December 15 , 1894 . Slight even aging on each w / tiny stain in bottom right corner of Frances ’ s card . Grover is extremely Fine . Frances is VF . Newton Powers Tomkinson Collection ( see his Featured Collection bio online ). Comes w / JSA LOA . ( I ) $ 200.00 99 . CLEVELAND SIGNED ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY APPOINTMENT DOCUMENT . 20x24 ” matted w / 15.5x19.5 ” opening . Dated April 6 , 1893 . Applied real photo portrait of Hamilin in bottom right . Etchings of Cleveland , as well as Walter Q . Gresham ( Secretary of State ) and John G . Carlisle ( Treasury Secretary ) Retains original seal . Signed by Cleveland and Gresham at bottom . Scattered moisture stains w / even aging and moderate surface wear . Fine . Charles Sumner Hamlin served the Cleveland administration as Assistant Sec . of Treasury under Sec . Carlisle from 1893-1897 . He later became the first Chairman of the Federal Reserve serving Woodrow Wilson ’ s administration in that role from 1914-1916 remaining a member of the Federal Reserve Board until 1936 serving Wilson , Harding , Coolidge , Hoover and Roosevelt administrations in that role . Comes w / JSA LOA . ( I ) $ 200.00
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H - $ 200 to $ 400 I - $ 400 to $ 700 J - $ 700 to $ 1000
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