Hake's Auction Catalog 1035 | Page 18

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7 . STAR WARS ( 1978 ) - ARTOO-DETOO ( R2-D2 ) 12 BACK-A AFA 85 NM + ( DARK BLUE DOME , SKU ON FOOTER ). Blister card contains 2.25 ” tall Kenner action figure ( dark blue dome variety ). SKU on footer . Card is unpunched . Archival case . AFA subgrades are as follows - C85 B85 F85 . First we ’ ve offered of this rare variant . Only 12 examples in total have been graded by AFA according to current AFA Population Report , w / only six examples in a AFA 85 grade ( none higher ). Jeff Jacob Collection . ( M ) $ 2,000.00 8 . STAR WARS ( 1978 ) - PRINCESS LEIA ORGANA 12 BACK-A AFA 80 + NM . Blister card contains 3.75 ” tall Kenner action figure . Card has been punched . AFA subgrades are as follows - C80 B85 F80 . Jeff Jacob Collection . ( L ) $ 1,000.00 9 . STAR WARS ( 1978 ) - HAN SOLO 12 BACK-B AFA 85 NM + ( SMALL HEAD ). Blister card contains 3.75 ” tall Kenner action figure ( small head variety ). Blaster loose within blister ( still attached to tape ). Card is unpunched . AFA subgrades are as follows - C85 B85 F80 . Only three examples graded higher , according to current AFA Population Report . Jeff Jacob Collection . ( L ) $ 1,000.00 10 . STAR WARS ( 1978 ) - CHEWBACCA 12 BACK-A AFA 85 NM + ( GREEN BOWCASTER / SKU ON FOOTER ). Blister card contains 4.25 ” tall Kenner action figure w / green bowcaster . Card has been punched . AFA subgrades are as follows - C80 B85 F85 . Only 12 examples in a AFA 85 grade according to current AFA Population Report w / none higher . First example of this rare early variation we ’ ve offered . Jeff Jacob Collection . ( M ) $ 2,000.00
H - $ 200 to $ 400 I - $ 400 to $ 700 J - $ 700 to $ 1000
K - $ 1000 to $ 2000 L - $ 2000 to $ 5000 M - $ 5000 to $ 10000
N - $ 10000 to $ 20000 P - $ 20000 to $ 35000 Q - $ 35000 to $ 50000
R - $ 50000 to $ 75000 S - $ 75000 to $ 100000 T - $ 100000 to $ 200000
U - $ 200000 to $ 350000 V - $ 350000 to $ 500000 W - $ 500000 to $ 750000
X - $ 750000 to $ 1000000 Y - $ 1000000 to $ 1500000 Z - $ 1500000 and up