GZine Fall 2016 | Page 7

stationary calzone appears . Now there is a way to prevent the skip the step where the HCLP updates , but we ’ ll get back to that in another article . So the calzone that is in your hands when you pick it up ? Sorry , that ’ s not actually a calzone .
Anyway , now the calzone has arrived and you and your buddy now cut the calzone in half to eat it . For the sake of this article , let ’ s assume the calzone is cut into perfectly equal halves . When either of you is asked which half of the calzone you would like to eat , there exist three options . The one half , the second half , or to divert the question onto the person that asked you . Considering that the first two options are invalid because of the equal cut of the calzone , the only logical answer is the third option . You can probably see where this is going now . This creates an infinite loop where the HCLP will never update , meaning the calzone is never actually eaten despite an infinite number of choices all leading to the consumption of the calzone .
We can go farther though , let ’ s say both you and your buddy now exist in some sort of time-space vacuum , where neither real time passes , nor both of your hunger results in starvation . This allows a true infinite number of equal choices to exist in this bubble . Now consider we force either you or your buddy to choose either option one or two , despite both being invalid . This is where things get interesting . As soon as this happens , all of those infinite choices existing before turn into PU ’ s , which are indeed all PU aligned , creating a sort of PU supernova where an infinite number of PU ’ s that have been building up over time are released at once . This is the main concept of the Calzone Theory , and it actually appears in more spots than you think , but as of now this supernova of PU ’ s isn ’ t capable of occurring ; so if your plan was to get together with an infinite number of PU ’ s for some big PU jamboree , I ’ m sorry to say that won ’ t be happening .
Well I guess that ’ s all there is I have to say about The Calzone Theory , I never would ’ ve thought this article would end up being this long , but I guess there really is a lot to cover . Be sure to check out my future articles where we cover the “ Calzone In Hand ” trick where we can prevent a stationary calzones HCLP from updating , trust me , there ’ s a lot of cool stuff we can do with that . Hope to see you then !