What is Assertiveness?
Have you ever felt that your opinion does not count or is not as valuable as others’? Or the opposite, that your opinion is the most important in a group of people? Well, you must know, those are really wrong attitudes! Assertiveness is the capability of saying what you think, feel, etc.; express your opinions of different subjects without being scared, but also respecting others. You don’t have to be scared, because you are showing people your point of view, and that’s okay, because your point of view can change people for good, or make them open their mind and consider different things. That’s why you don’t need to be shy or scared about saying what you think. Respecting others is really important, because, imagine you say your opinion out loud and someone comes and says “Nah, that is not true/important/interesting/etc.” How would you feel? Not that good, right? Yeah, that’s how other people would feel if others do not act respectably with them. So now you know that assertiveness is: give and receive respect, use fairness allow opportunities for agreements, between some other characteristics.
Nowadays teenagers are not really in the correct attitude they should have. What does this mean? To understand this message, we are going to take a look to the subject of “Assertiveness”
Which are the other kinds of attitudes?
There are only three kinds of attitudes, so you may have just one of them. As you already know, the best attitude will always be assertiveness, but that doesn’t mean everyone has it. The different kinds of attitudes are: passiveness, aggressiveness and assertiveness. But, what do they mean? Well here we have an explanation: