Gymplátek 21. Číslo | Page 16

A few weeks ago my classmates and I embarked on an adventure. We all packed our bags and got onto the train. After 20 grueling hours we arrived, to find that the journey was just beggining. Our class was greeted by our French counterparts in the small town of Epinal, which over the next week we would experienced French culture first hand. Our daily activities were always exciting, from touring chapels to climbing a rope course there was always something to explore. We would often go on walks with the exchange students and visit different parts of the city. I think we learned a lot about living in a completely different culture for a week. One of the greatest differences was the cuisine, the food was always really good and I was always looking forward to try more. Over the course of the week our class had a chance to see what it's like to live in a completely new environment, and hopefully bring something back. I hope they have as much fun over here.

Mozu, americký student naší školy

Pobyt ve Francii byl nejlepší zážitek mého dosavadního studia na GNJ. Nikdy bych nevěřila, že je s našimi učiteli taková sranda a dá se s nimi povídat i o jiných věcech, než jen škola. Hostitelská rodina byla taky úžasná, tak dobrou atmosféru jsem už dlouho nezažila. Hezky se o mě starali a dávali mi dost jídla a svačinek.

Se svým Francouzem jsem v kontaktu pořád, píšeme si každý den a už se oba těšíme na březen.

Kateřina Češíková, 3. A