Guru and Disciple Guru and Disciple | Page 55

44 The Guru and the Disciple will give you samaj – complete understanding. He would explain all the facts. The one who has nothing more left to know is called a Gnani! It is not as if he knows only about the Jain religion; he knows everything and that is why he is called a Gnani ! And if you were to meet him, you would attain moksha after nine lives, in fact you can even attain moksha after two more lives! But it is difficult to find a satguru! Nowadays, there are no real gurus around so how can you find a satguru here? And when a satguru like Shrimad Rajchandra was living and present, people did not recognize him. Only after recognizing the Satguru can you take shelter from Him Questioner: How can one recognize such a satguru? Dadashri: Such a person is easily recognizable just like a bright glowing light. He emits a ‘fragrance,’ a spiritual presence that is quite widespread around him. Questioner: But how is one to recognize a satguru? How are we to know that he is a real satguru? Dadashri: It is like this; if you were an expert, you would be able to make an assessment with your trained eyes. Some of the qualities of a satguru are that his speech, behavior and humility will conquer your mind; he will captivate your mind. You would be filled with wonder and admiration for him! Your mind will continue to remain captivated. Questioner: Many times, people’s commitment and minds become swayed when they look at the worldly interactions of a guru or the satguru, so what should one do there? Dadashri: If observing the worldly interaction of your guru sways your commitment to him, then you must investigate in detail whether your doubts have a basis or whether they are unfounded. Measure the situation from every angle as far as you can, with