Guru and Disciple Guru and Disciple | Page 52

The Guru and the Disciple 41 It is like this; there are two kinds of gurus. One is in the form of a guide, meaning we have to follow him. He walks ahead like a leader or a monitor. He is called a ‘guru’. Do you understand the term ‘monitor’? It is someone we follow. If we come to a fork in the road, he will decide, ‘No, not this road. Let us take that road.’ So we walk on that road. You have to follow him, but he is always in front of us. He does not sway from the route. The other is a satguru. A satguru is someone that liberates us from all our worldly suffering, because he is liberated himself! He does not keep us as his followers. And the guru is someone we have to trust and keep following. There you must not use your own brain and wisdom and you must stay sincere to the guru. The degree to which you are sincere with him is the degree of peace you will experience. The need for a guru starts from the time we begin school to the time we reach the door of spirituality. A guru can take us all the way to spirituality but we cannot enter into the gate of Atma Gnan (knowledge of the Self) with the guidance of a guru since he himself is looking for it. What is Atma Gnan? Atma Gnan is to be in front of the Self. The satguru helps bring us directly in front of the Self. So there is a difference between a guru and a satguru! The meditation within a guru and a Satguru People have not understood the term ‘guru’. People in India have not understood whom to call a guru! People refer to anyone wearing saffron colored robes as a guru. If one quotes even a few words from the scriptures, people call him a guru; but that is not a guru. One man told me, ‘I have made someone my guru,’ so I asked him to explain to me what his guru was like. Anyone who does not have artadhyan or raudradhyan is a guru, (Artadhyan - adverse internal contemplation due to presence of kashaya that