Guru and Disciple Guru and Disciple | Page 51

40 The Guru and the Disciple Dadashri: Yes, moksha cannot occur without such a One. And what should a satguru be like? He must be free of all kashayas. Even if we hit him and yell abuses at him, he would still not have any kashaya. Not only is he free of kashaya but his intellect (buddhi) should also be completely gone. He should not have any intellect. If you go to people with intellect, how will you attain moksha when they have not attained it themselves? So he should not be affected whether you slap him or yell abuses at him. If you beat him or throw him in jail, he should remain unperturbed. He should be beyond all dualities. Do you understand what we mean by ‘duality’? By duality we mean attributes such as profit or loss; pleasure or pain; mercy or mercilessness. In duality, if there is one attribute within, the other attribute will always be there too. That is duality! So the guru who is free of duality, is a satguru. In the current time cycle, there are no satgurus. During certain times, in some places they can be, but otherwise satgurus do not exist. But people have wrongly assumed that their gurus as being satgurus. That is why everything is at a standstill; otherwise, if you had found a true satguru, would you have all these worries? There is a great difference between a Guru and a Satguru Questioner: Everyone nowadays regards his guru as a satguru. What is that? Dadashri: In all the religions in India, people consider their own respective guru as being a satguru. No one uses the term guru alone; they use the term satguru but its meaning is in the worldly language. In the worldly life, people refer to a guru with very high conduct as a satguru, but really, he cannot be considered a satguru. The quality of his prakruti (worldly attributes) may be very commendable, he may have inner balance in matters of food, worldly interaction and personal character, but he has not attained Self-realization. Without Self-realization he cannot be called a satguru.