The Guru and the Disciple
he understands by looking into her eyes. So what do we mean by
‘a guru that does not leave your eyes?’ It means that he is
acceptable to your eyes in every way. His speech fits you; it is
tailor-made for you, his conduct also fits. This is the kind of guru
you need!
Questioner: Yes, that is correct. The total dependence
(ashritpanu) on the guru demands such qualities.
Dadashri: Yes, if ever a guru is such that he can dwell in
your heart and you like everything he says, then you can become
dependent on him. Thereafter you will be free from all suffering.
A guru is a very big phenomenon. With him, you should feel that
you are at peace and that you have come home and your heart
rests there. Just by looking at him, you forget the world, you
become oblivious to the world; such a person can be made a
guru. Otherwise, the guru loses his worth and importance.
Without a gurukilli he will sink
Guru is very important. The problems with gurus nowadays
are due to the effect of this era of the current time cycle. It is due
to the current difficult time of the cycle that the gurus have no
substance. The gurus have become like vegetable ghee (real ghee
is made from butter)! That is why your work does not get
accomplished! And the gurus today are going around without a
gurukilli (special directives from a Gnani on how to be a guru).
One man came to me and said to me, ‘You are our guru.’ I replied,
‘No young man, don’t call me your guru. I do not like it. What is
the meaning of a guru? Go and ask everywhere.’ Does guru mean
light or heavy?
Questioner: It means heavy.
Dadashri: Heavy, therefore he is bound to sink. When he
sinks, everyone else who depends on him will also drown along
with him. That is what has been happening in the world. So why
are you making a guru out of me? That is why you must ask the