Guru and Disciple Guru and Disciple | Page 43

32 The Guru and the Disciple Until you attain samyak darshan - the enlightened view, right vision - your swachhand will not leave. Alternatively, there is a way out if you act according to the directions of the guru, however, you have to act completely and wholly according to the guru’s instructions. It is a different matter altogether if a person conducts himself with total surrender to his guru. Even if the guru is not Self-realized, there is nothing wrong in that. And if the disciple lives completely according to the guru, then his swachhand will go. Krupadudev had written a lot of truth but even that is difficult to explain! How is it possible to understand as long as one’s swachhand prevails? And is it an easy thing for swachhand to depart? Questioner: So until one meets a Gnani, his swachhand will not leave? Dadashri: No. However, even if one makes a crazy, happy-go-lucky person his guru, and always maintains humility as a disciple and never falters in his duties as a disciple, then his swachhand will leave. Yet people have opposed their gurus and yelled abuses at them. Man does not have the capacity to maintain such continuous respect, because when he sees something amiss in the guru, his intellect begins to act up! If you do not find a Gnani, then you will need a guru. If not, then you are likely to walk around with swachhand. If you let go of the string of the kite, what will become of that kite? Questioner: It will stumble and not fly. Dadashri: Yes, so this is similar to letting go of the string of a kite. As long as you do not have the Soul in your hand i.e. Self- realization, you do not have the string of the kite in your hands. Do you understand? Your head bows naturally to the One who dissolves all egos Questioner: Yes, I should make someone my guru. Without a guru, Gnan cannot be attained. This principle is correct.