Guideline on Buying Tires Tires - The Foundation Of Your Car | Page 7

Top Things You Should Know About Tire Repair • Repair punctures that fall within tread area – Before a puncture is repaired, you should know where the damage is located. Repairs are limited to the tread area. Note that when a tire is punctured beyond the tread area, it needs to be replaced. Any repair that takes place beyond the tread area is definitely an unsafe repair. • Don’t repair a badly damaged tread – There is no use replacing a tire that will be of no use on the road. There are a few possibilities for repair but it is completely discouraged. • Repairs should not overlap – Sometimes the puncture occurs on an existing repair. This immediately calls for a replacement tire. You are strongly discouraged from overlapping repairs as this is quite unsafe. This is why you should take your damaged tires to a tire repair specialist--you never know what pre- existing repairs your tire may have.