I’m Ashley Price, your Students’ Union President
for the up and coming year. My undergraduate
education has come to an end, not without its up
and its downs, but in retrospect an amazing time
with fantastic experiences, new found friends and
memories that will last a lifetime. May your time
here be as successful!
We at the Students’ Union are here to represent you all, ensuring that your time here is as great as it can be, being a place to socialise with your friends, a venue for various events, as a channel of representation to aid in your academic careers, or even as a place to seek good sound advise if things get too tough.
As your President it is my responsibility to sit on various higher level boards within the University, representing your voice as STUDENTS, and safeguarding your ‘Glamorgan experience’.
This year is going to be about:
• Encouraging you all to participate in events, societies or sports
• Acting as representatives and supportive body for you all
• Ensuring that the university provide effective communication and
feedback to the students
• Providing good communication links for all campuses relaying
messages to who it matters
• Continuing to campaign, lobby and defend the rights of all students on
all levels.
Now that that’s been said I leave you with one notion: we are here for you, so don’t be shy, come down, get involved and keep it real! Some say that these are the best days of your life so live it like you want it to be!
Take care Glamorgan - Ashley Price