Guide to International Schools 2021 2021 | Page 34

Nick Alchin
Head of East Campus
“ The usual thing here is to mention our students - who are indeed wonderful . But all young people are wonderful - whatever their circumstances ’ - that ’ s the gift of being young . But we are special because of those who make up our community - our teachers and support colleagues , our parent community and the wider UWC movement . In my time here I have begun to appreciate the delicate balance between individuals and groups . Individuals can inspire and lead , and are necessary to catalyse change ; groups are how the change actually happens . So while we rightly admire the Nelson Mandelas and Lee Kuan Yews of this world , we shouldn ’ t neglect the millions of people they lead - critically , it ’ s these people who made change happen . And so this fills me with optimism and hope ; maybe some of our students will also be change-makers on a global scale - but it ’ s not the global bit that is important , it ’ s the commitment to positive change in whatever endeavour they undertake that truly sets our community apart .
UWCSEA is a school which has an extraordinary ambition - in the sense that it is full to the brim with extraordinary people working together for a noble end . Compared to any other school I ’ ve worked in , I feel fortunate beyond all measure .”
Sean Lacey
Head of High School English as an Additional Language ( EAL ), East Campus
“ UWCSEA has been the most empowering school I have ever worked in . It is not always easy , because we are all expected to take an active role in building this experience , and we don ’ t always see things the same way . But that ’ s why it ’ s important ; our voices are heard and considered , and we build the community towards the mission together .
I have both teaching and support roles , engaging students , staff and parents in a learning journey that is deeply personal . I teach and support students who do not speak English as a first language ; far more than simply providing ‘ EAL lessons ’, my job is also to help them maintain a sense of the value of their cultures , languages and contribution as individuals . A core part of what I do is running the Equality group , a support group for LGBTQ + students . I also help organise PAUSE ( Parents at UWC Support Each other ), a cross-campus group for parents of LGBTQ + students .
Support and relationship building are built into everything I do at UWCSEA East . As a person of mixed origin and culture , my life is a reflection of the UWC mission and I put it into practice every day in my teaching .”
Shruti Tewari
University Advisor , Teacher of English and Assistant Boarding Houseparent , Dover
“ As someone who grew up internationally , I was particularly drawn to the UWC movement when I started to look for work . I ’ ve worked at UWC Mahindra College and UWCSEA East and took a short sabbatical ( a grown-up gap year ) prior to joining the UWCSEA Dover University Advising team in 2018 . I love being back in the UWC fold , with colleagues and students who are caring , thoughtful , not afraid to take risks , or voice their opinions , while listening intently too . The idea of positive intent permeates all conversations .”