Photo credit : Demian Dellinger
Community Engagement
The Town of Garner is always looking for ways to improve community engagement . We depend on the feedback and involvement of our residents to shape Garner ’ s present and its future . The Town has several volunteer advisory bodies for residents of Garner and its extraterritorial jurisdiction . Here is an overview of the advisory bodies :
The Planning Commission is an appointed body of volunteers authorized under Article 19 , Chapter 160A of the North Carolina General Statutes , and established to serve as an advisory board on land-use matters and other duties as assigned by the Town Council . The Planning Department provides staff support for the commission .
The Board of Adjustment is an appointed body , also authorized under Article 19 , Chapter 160A of the North Carolina General Statutes , that hears and decides appeals from any order , decision , requirement or interpretation made by the landuse administrator or other administrative officials in carrying out or enforcing any provisions of the Town of Garner Unified Development Ordinance ( UDO ). It also hears and decides on applications for special use permits , special exceptions and variances . The Planning Department serves as staff advisor .
The Parks , Recreation and Cultural Resources Advisory Committee provides recommendations to the Town Council on recreation services , facilities and fee policies .
The Senior Citizens Advisory Committee serves in an advisory capacity with the Town of Garner , Resources for Seniors and Meals on Wheels , in planning , coordinating and managing programs and activities for senior citizens .
The Veterans Advisory Committee is made up of seven at-large members ( at least four are honorably discharged veterans ) and a representative from the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post # 10025 and the American Legion , Post 232 . This committee explores ways in which to honor and recognize the service of area veterans ; assist the Town of Garner ’ s planning for ceremonies , observances , holidays and events honoring veterans ; and assists in the preservation , operation , integrity , maintenance and upkeep of the Garner Veterans Memorial .
The Downtown Garner Association ( DGA ) fosters downtown revitalization through the administration of Garner ’ s Main Street program in a public-private partnership with the Town of Garner . The organization received 501 ( c ) 3 status in 2007 . The Board of Directors works with the town ’ s downtown and small business development manager to set strategic priorities for downtown economic development within a context of historic preservation .
To learn more and apply for any of these , please visit garnernc . gov / government / town-boardsand-committees , or contact the town clerk at ( 919 ) 773-4456 .
The Garner Police Department ( garnerpd . org ) and Garner Fire-Rescue ( garnerfire . com ) also have free citizens academies that give residents a firsthand look at how these first responder agencies operate and serve our community . Participating in these academies is a great way to learn more about your police and fire-rescue agencies and is an opportunity to become more engaged in your community . In addition , the Citizens and Police Together ( CAPT ) volunteer group offers a chance for Citizens Police Academy graduates to become even more involved in the community .
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